Getting Started with KickFire API

This article walks you through getting started with your new KickFire API account, including essential steps like creating an endpoint and building the API query string.

  1. Create an account at and click on the account activation email.
  2. Log in to your KickFire API account and select API to continue.
  3. Name the API access point.
  4. Select the endpoint:
    • Company − “Translate this IP address or domain to company firmographics”
    • Domain2IP − ”Uncover the IP addresses owned/used by this domain”
    • IP2Geo − ”Discover geographic information for an IP address”
  5. Optional: Enter domains or IP addresses authorized to call the access point and click Create Access Point.

    • Domain Authorization: Any top-level domains using client-side API calls (such as: KickFire for Google or KickFire for Adobe) will need to be authorized by your Customer Success Manager.
      (Note: If you received the Error Message: Company API Error: URL Not Authorized, please contact for authorization assistance.)
    • IP Address Authorization: Enter IP addresses authorized to call the access point and click Create Access Point.
  6. Use the interactive interface to build the API query string.

  7. Copy the query string and view the sample JSON output.

For more information, visit our Developers Portal.